Friday, June 6, 2014

Why Write Greeting Cards?

I realize some authors look down on composers of greeting card verse. And I must admit, I am more proud of the few poems I have had published in small literary journals than the thousands of greeting cards I have sold with my verses inside. (I don't know why, it's an "artsy" thing, I guess.) But the truth is, how many people actually read those journals? How many people read over my obscure poem, over and over, going through the meaning in their mind, perhaps even calling their friends and reading it to them? How many subscribers to that journal cut my poem from the magazine page and taped it to their fridge/ Or propped it up on their mantel?

Probably not very many. But I can guarantee my verses are on display in thousands of homes across the world. Or tucked into drawers. Or scrapbooks. Because they are inside greeting cards.

My words have been used to invite people to parties. Encourage people who have cancer. Wish people happy holidays of all sorts. Even propose marriage. It's pretty cool when you think about it. Not something to be ashamed of at all.

Why do I know people will read my greeting card verses when they receive one of my cards? Why do I know they will linger over the words, perhaps have a tear or two?

Because it's a poem just for them.
Go on and try writing a few, you'll be hooked!

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